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Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers

If you have a damaged or decayed tooth with too much stucture loss to fix with a filling alone, we can help you choose the best solution. Crowns and bridges are custom-fitted tooth prosthetics that function and look like natural, healthy teeth. The surrounding protection helps protect the tooth or teeth from future breakdown. Veneers are a less invasive alternative, but may only be a solution for anterior teeth with slight tooth damage or discoloration. These thin porcelain or resin shells come in customizable colors and are bonded to the surface of your teeth.



A crown, otherwise known as a cap, is custom-fitted to your single natural tooth or dental implant. We recommend this procedure for those who have a broken down, salvageable tooth, with or without a root canal.


  1. The damaged portion of the tooth will be removed

  2. Rebuild the tooth structure for strength, may require pin or post placement

  3. Uniformily reduce and shape tooth for adequate thickness of new crown

  4. Impression taken of prepared tooth for crown fabrication

  5. The crown color of porcelain can then be customized to match existing teeth or made of gold

  6. Fit tooth with a temporary crown to be in place until the lab makes new crown

  7. Permanent crown fitting and cementation



To replace teeth that need to be extracted, or teeth which have been missing with healthy surrounding teeth, a bridge may be viable option. Bridges are one solid piece which are permanently cemented in place. Brushing, flossing and a waterpick can be used for cleansing.  Implants can replace missing teeth and can also be used to support a bridge in the same manner.

Types of Bridges:

  • Traditional  Crowns are bonded on teeth that lie on both sides of the missing teeth
  • Cantilever  Crown is bonded over a single tooth with an extension, solid crown replacing missing one



If you’re looking to cosmetically correct or enhance the appearance of one or more anterior teeth, veneers can be the best option. They are very thin, porcelain or resin shells that you can customize in color and shape. They are non-invasive and are resistant to future stains.

Common uses for veneers:

  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Misshapen or irregular teeth
  • Teeth that do not respond to traditional whitening treatments