Periodontal Maintenance
Among the causes of periodontal (gum) disease are genetic susceptibility, smoking, sugar consumption and other illnesses like diabetes. Periodontal maintenance involves removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line. Most gum diseases are preventable with proper oral hygiene at home and proper interval cleanings at the dental office. However, what can start out initially as gingivitis (inflamed or bleeding gums) can over time manifest into moderate to severe periodontal disease. Calculus (Tartar) forms on the tooth and harbors significant amounts of bacteria which the bodies natural defenses attack and bone loss occurs. In such cases, gums inflame and fall away from the tooth to create “pockets,” thereby exposing the dental root to decay and infection. It can also lead to prolonged bad breath, loose teeth, painful chewing and other complications. More teeth are extracted or lost as a result of periodontal disease than cavities.
Diagnosing Gum Disease
Dental films, clinical evaluation of areas that bleed and probing instruments are used to evaluate the level of periodontal disease present. The deeper the pocketing and amount of bone loss, the more difficult to clean the tooth surfaces in the office or at home. Several cleaning and scaling appointments may be necessary to get all of the teeth clean.
One dental cleaning (prophylaxis) with some light scaling every 6 month period is the norm for most people, along with good oral care at home to keep a healthy dentition. Bone loss and inflamed gums with pocketing increases the difficulty to clean the teeth. Several scaling appointments may be necessary to clean the hard to reach areas. When the pockets get too deep for the hygienist to clean a Periodontist may need to surgically get to these areas.